
Look Into The Window of Your Soul


Access divine guidance, inner wisdom and deep insight with a Tarot or Lenormand card reading

Tarot can help you if you are seeking clarity because you are:

  • Facing a difficult decision and need clarity on what option to take.
  • Dealing with a challenging relationship and need to get some insight.
  • In search of deeper meaning and purpose in your life.
  • Ready to manifest a big dream of yours and want a little divine help

No matter where you are in life, the cards can give you clarity.


Is this sounding good to you? Read on…

A reading will give you instant access to your inner wisdom and will guide you towards creating a life you love.

There are things to consider when seeking a reading.

My goal is to empower you to live a life of joy, passion, purpose and confidence and make your own decisions. The cards will not tell you what to do. They, and I may provide you with ideas and insight about a decision, but ultimately, you have free will and you are the expert and author of your life.

Most people want to seek advice from the cards to see what the future holds. The cards can only give you probable outcomes based on the energy now. The good news is your point of power is in the NOW.  The information they give you will confirm what you are already thinking/feeling at some level, or provide insight on the issue for which you have sought guidance. Cards tend to indicate where things are headed in a general sense, based on what is currently happening in your life. How your future unfolds depends on how you think, feel, and act right now.

Readings are meant to be taken in a positive manner so that your spread can be used as a guide to help you improve certain aspects of your life. If the cards show something that doesn’t seem favorable to you, take the opportunity to get in the driver’s seat. You are the creator of your destiny ! I can help you identify your blocks and strengths so you can create more of what you are wanting in your life. I believe that everything is fluid, even those events that are fated in our lives.

Call today for to schedule your appointment. 916.668.9889


Ready to Gain More Clarity?

Choose from one of three ways to receive your insights

3 Card Single Question Written Response

Written responses are great for simple questions, or perhaps you like the idea of being able to read your answers at your convenience and over and over. This is a great reading for yes or no questions, or to explore energy you need to bring to a situation or what would be helpful to let go. Includes picture of layout and 450 word response. 

5-9 Card Spread Video Reading

A video consultation is great for gaining insight on career, relationship, self-care, a decision that needs to be made, or just to get clear on what energy to call in, or what the general energies are in a given situation. You will receive a 20-30 minute video answering your question, with the opportunity for follow up questions via regarding the cards that come up in the spread.

60 Minute Zoom Consultation

 You can use this consultation to get an in-depth look into a more complex question or topic.  This session allows you to ask several questions regarding your topic or modify your question along the way as you gain insight though the reading. You will receive a recording of the consultation and have a week within which to ask any other questions regarding the cards which came forth to share wisdom in the spread(s). 

Call today to schedule an appointment 916.668.9889. Or email karen at karenrothstein.com to find out more information.